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SEB Tallinn Marathon 2016

4.0 ( 3440 ratings )
Deportes Navegación
Desarrollador Festivality

The official mobile app of SEB Tallinn Marathon, taking place 9-11 September, 2016 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The Tallinn Marathon has won a firm place in the competition calendar of runners and has become an attractive destination for running tourists looking for new experiences. About 20 000 running enthusiasts from 49 different countries participated in the 2015 event.

As a tradition, the marathon will take place in every second weekend of September, and the participants will have a choice to run either a marathon (42,195 km) or half-marathon (21,1 km). 10 km, kids and Nike youth run will also take place in previous days. All walkers and Nordic walkers are also welcome to attend the 10 km race.

Similarly to most well-known international running events, the route of the Tallinn Marathon will run in city centre, passing through both the Old Town and the modern centre and by several well-known sights. The beach promenade of Pirita offers a classical view on the silhouette of the Tallinn Old Town. The route conforms to international standards and is relatively fast; the weather of the region in September should also be favourable to running. This attracts fast runners from countries with strong running traditions and allows hobby runners to attempt breaking their own records as well. But the main benefit is the joy of moving together with thousands of great runners.

SEB Tallinn Marathon 2016 mobile app delivers useful features and guidance for marathon weekend visitors on-the-go. It facilitates planning and orienting in a wealth of event information, navigating between the course tracks and event venues in Tallinn and staying up-to-date with the event info in real time.

App features:

- Programme
- Maps & Routing
- Distances
- Runners
- Notifications
- Info

By downloading SEB Tallinn Marathon 2016 app, you agree to our Terms of Service of Visitors: and our Privacy Policy:

The app requests your location. Keep your location on at all times, and get guidance and help from app. We use your location for useful venue directions, easier navigation to course tracks and events, as well as to send you helpful on-site notifications in the city of Tallinn during SEB Tallinn Marathon 2016 weekend.

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.


SEB Tallinna Maraton toimub 9.-11. septembril 2016 Tallinnas. Võistluskeskus asub Vabaduse väljakul.

SEB Tallinna Maraton on saanud kindla koha jooksusõprade võistluskalendris ning muutunud atraktiivseks sihtkohaks uusi elamusi otsivatele jooksuturistidele. 2015. aastal osales üritusel ligi 20 000 liikumisharrastajat 49 erinevast riigist.

SEB Tallinna Maraton 2016 mobiiliäpp on külastaja nutikas teejuht taskus, mis võimaldab leida kõik maratoni puudutav kiirelt ja mugavalt ühest kohast. Lihtsustab planeerimist ja ürituse infos orienteerumist, distantside ja rajakaartide abil kiiremini õigesse kohta jõudmist, ning võimaldab olla kursis ürituse info ja teavitustega reaalajas.

Äppi komponendid:

- Programm ja ajakava
- Kaardid ja navigeerimine
- Jooksudistantsid
- Stardinimekiri
- Teavitused
- Info

Laadides alla SEB Tallinna Maraton 2016 mobiiliäppi, nõustud meie kasutustingimustega (Terms of Service of Visitors: ning privaatsuspoliitikaga (Privacy Policy:

Mobiiliäpp küsib sinu asukohta. Hoia oma asukoht alati sees (vajadusel kontrolli üle seadetest), et saada äppi poolt kasulikke juhiseid ning abi. Kasutame sinu asukoha infot kohapõhisteks suunisteks, lihtsustamaks navigeerimist jooksudistantsidel ning ürituse asukohtadesse, samuti saadame asukohapõhiseid teavitusi ja ürituse infot maratoni nädalavahetuse jooksul.

Pidev GPS põhiste teenuste kasutamine rakenduses taustal võib oluliselt lühendada sinu seadme aku kestust.